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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Aug169Sep830Jun2516Jul1022May2Jan128Oct244Aug4Jul321May26Mar319Feb1724Jan23430Dec14Aug1May29Apr17Jun41fixup! pre-commit: Some hook updates.mastermasterpre-commit: Some hook updates.Subscriptions: Rename the CoRecursive directory.pre-commit: Update the hadolint hook.Small fix to kodi_scan.pre-commit: Update the pycln hook.Mark the Docker network as external.Revert "Try to fix the Compose deployment."Try to fix the Compose deployment.pre-commit: update another hook.pre-commit: url fix.Update the base image.pre-commit: update hook.Docker volumes must use an absolute path.Pre-commit updates.Some podcasts updates.Fix typo for Supercronic.Upgrade to Python 3.10.Stricter direnv script.Add some new podcasts.Update the Black pre-commit hook.Remove a bunch of podcasts.fixup! A little cleanup of the XML settings file.A little cleanup of the XML settings file.Trigger a Kodi scan after each run.Pre-commit refresh.Add Lunduke Journal.fixup! Use renamed CI templates repository.Remove the manual stages order.Use renamed CI templates repository.Add podcasts in Hebrew for the kids.Add CoRecursive: Coding Stories.pre-commit autoupdate.Python 3.9.Updated URLs.Update to base image.Update packages.Replace base image with Debian.debiandebianNotify on Cron job failures.Purge old episodes.