A DCP info and verification utility.
A quick and dirty hack to have the permission of the DCP library ALWAYS be set correctly, and correct errors fast.
Detection if running in a container and if so, which.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/tv.kodi.Kodi.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/gh_fetch.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/gnu-hello-flatpak.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/conecto.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/sqlint.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/masscan.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/cerebro.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/vscode-flatpak.
Mirror of https://github.com/adarnimrod/boilr.
Igentify assignment.
My solution to the HiringSolved challenge.
A proof-of-conecpt of running web apps as desktop apps using qbrt.
Python DCP parser.
Python binding for libvlc.
My Debian repository, minus the state (packages, db, etc.).
A hands-on introduction to Docker.