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Ansible role for installing OpenLDAP, phpLDAPadmin and daily backup.


- Debian Jessie.

Role Variables

    openldap_organization: '{{ ansible_domain }}' #Organization name, defaults to the domain name.
    openldap_domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}' #LDAP domain, converted to ldap formatted. Defaults to the domain name of the machine.
    openldap_basedn: #LDAP base distinguished name, defaults to machine's domain converted to LDAP format.
    openldap_password: #Password for admin account, must be set.
    openldap_tls_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem #TLS cert.
    openldap_tls_key: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key #TLS key.
    openldap_tls_ca_cert: '{{ openldap_tls_cert }}' #TLS cert for CA.
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Example Playbook

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    - hosts: servers
         - role: ansible-openldap
           openldap_tls_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/internal.pem
           openldap_tls_key: /etc/ssl/private/internal.key
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Author Information

Nimrod Adar.

Restore procedure

Deleting existing basedn: ::
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    ldapdelete -Y EXTERNAL -r #Run as root, no password needed.
    ldapdelete -rxWD "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" #Run as any user, asks for OpenLDAP admin password.
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Restoring from backup: ::
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    ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -f backup.ldif #Run as root, no password needed.
    ldapadd -xWD "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com -f backup.ldif #Run as any user, asks for OpenLDAP admin password.
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- Test backup script.
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- Log to syslog (Apache as well).
- Metrics (also Apache).
nimrod's avatar
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- Testing (ldaps, backup and restore).
nimrod's avatar
nimrod committed
- Configure all preseeding via ldap modules (keep preseeding, or maybe just
  reconfigure the package if the debconf answers change?).