# Toolbx build [![pipeline status](https://git.shore.co.il/shore/toolbox-build/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://git.shore.co.il/shore/toolbox-build/-/commits/master) Build [toolbx](https://containertoolbx.org/). Until there's Debian packaging for it, [build it myself](https://git.shore.co.il/shore/toolbox-build/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/toolbox/builddir/src/toolbox?job=build). ## Usage The link above is for the binary, the rest of the files (man pages, Bash completion script) are in the CI pipeline artifacts. There's also a tar file that has all of the files in the right hierarchy to just unpack like so: ``` curl -L https://git.shore.co.il/shore/toolbox-build/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/toolbox.tar.gz?job=build | tar -xzC /usr/local/ ``` Lastly, there's also an [Ansible role](https://git.shore.co.il/shore/homelab/-/tree/master/roles/toolbox). ## License This software is licensed under the MIT license (see `LICENSE.txt`). ## Author Information Nimrod Adar, [contact me](mailto:nimrod@shore.co.il) or visit my [website](https://www.shore.co.il/). Patches are welcome via [`git send-email`](http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Commands-Email). The repository is located at: .