locals { function_name_prefix = local.Name functions = [ "_dns", "gitlab", "registry", "nextcloud", "notify", "autoconfig", "mta_sts", "www", "myip", "kodi", "transmission", "vouch", "ssh", "smtp", "imap", "auth", "elasticsearch", "kibana", ] function_names = [for name in local.functions : "${local.function_name_prefix}-${replace(name, "_", "")}"] } data "aws_iam_policy_document" "lambda_assume_policy" { statement { effect = "Allow" actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"] principals { type = "Service" identifiers = ["lambda.amazonaws.com"] } } } locals { lambda_assume_policy_doc = data.aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_assume_policy.json } resource "aws_iam_role" "lambda" { name = local.Name assume_role_policy = local.lambda_assume_policy_doc tags = local.common_tags } locals { lambda_role_arn = aws_iam_role.lambda.arn lambda_role_name = aws_iam_role.lambda.name } output "lambda_role_arn" { description = "ARN of the Lambda function IAM role." value = local.lambda_role_arn } output "lambda_role_name" { description = "Name of the Lambda function IAM role." value = local.lambda_role_name } locals { function_role_policies = [ local.publish_policy_arn, #local.log_policy_arn, "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole", ] } resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "function" { count = length(local.function_role_policies) role = local.lambda_role_name policy_arn = local.function_role_policies[count.index] } variable "runtime" { default = "python3.9" description = "The Lambda function runtime." type = string } output "runtime" { description = "The Lambda function runtime." value = var.runtime } variable "memory_size" { default = 128 description = "Amount of memory in MB allocated to the function invocation." type = number } output "memory_size" { description = "Amount of memory in MB allocated to the function invocation." value = var.memory_size } variable "timeout" { default = 30 description = "Amouyynt of time in seconds the function has to run." type = number } output "timeout" { description = "Amount of memory in MB allocated to the function invocation." value = var.timeout } resource "aws_lambda_function" "function" { count = length(local.functions) runtime = var.runtime function_name = local.function_names[count.index] role = local.lambda_role_arn source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("payload.zip") s3_bucket = local.payloads_bucket_name s3_key = local.payload_object_name s3_object_version = local.payload_object_version package_type = "Zip" handler = "${local.functions[count.index]}.handler" description = "${local.module} ${local.functions[count.index]} check in ${local.env}." memory_size = var.memory_size tags = local.common_tags timeout = var.timeout environment { variables = { ENV = local.env MODULE = local.module TOPIC_ARN = local.topic_arn VERSION = local.payload_object_version } } # Create the log group with retention before the function is created. # Otherwise it's created without retention and need to be imported. depends_on = [ aws_cloudwatch_log_group.lambda, ] } locals { function_arns = aws_lambda_function.function.*.arn function_versions = aws_lambda_function.function.*.version } output "function_arns" { description = "ARNs of the Lambda functions." value = local.function_arns } output "function_names" { description = "Names of the Lambda functions." value = local.function_names } output "function_versions" { description = "Versions of the Lambda functions." value = local.function_versions } output "function_version_mapping" { description = "Mapping of the function and version." value = zipmap(local.functions, local.function_versions) } resource "aws_lambda_alias" "function" { count = length(local.functions) name = "${local.function_name_prefix}_${local.functions[count.index]}" function_name = local.function_arns[count.index] function_version = local.function_versions[count.index] } locals { function_alias_arns = aws_lambda_alias.function.*.arn function_alias_names = aws_lambda_alias.function.*.name } output "function_alias_arns" { description = "ARNs of the Lambda functions aliases." value = local.function_alias_arns } output "function_alias_names" { description = "Names of the Lambda functions aliases." value = local.function_alias_names } resource "aws_lambda_permission" "cloudwatch" { count = length(local.function_arns) statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromCloudWatch" action = "lambda:InvokeFunction" principal = "events.amazonaws.com" source_arn = local.cloudwatch_rule_arns[count.index] function_name = local.function_names[count.index] qualifier = local.function_alias_names[count.index] }