<poca version="0.8"> <!-- Please see detailed configuration documentation online: https://github.com/brokkr/poca/wiki/Configuration --> <!-- The meaning of the settings options are briefly as follows: * base_dir: Directory containing the individual subscription folders * id3encoding: Encoding to use on metadata (utf8 or latin1) * id3removev1: Should we remove id3v1, only keeping v2 (yes or no) * useragent: _Fallback_ user agent if connection is rejected for default python user agent. Leave empty not to use a fallback. * email logging setup not included by default, see wiki for details. --> <settings> <base_dir>./Podcasts</base_dir> <id3encoding>utf8</id3encoding> <id3removev1>yes</id3removev1> <useragent/> </settings> <!-- Defaults take the same options as any single subscription. A setting here, e.g. max_number, is applied to all subscriptions but always overruled by sub-specific settings. Non-overruling settings in metadata and filters are combined, e.g. a sub-specific 'artist' tag and a global 'genre' tag --> <defaults> </defaults> <subscriptions> <!-- The meaning of the subscription options are brifly as follows: * category: A category attribute on a subscription tag is helpful in organizing the output of 'poca-subscribe list'. * state: A state attribute is either 'active' or 'inactive'. inactive subs are not updated. subs without state attribute are active. * title: Name used for the folder of the subscription (required) * url: The address of the rss feed (required) * max_number: Max number of files to keep in subscription (optional) * from_the_top: Get oldest files first, not newest (optional) * metadata: Override id3 header fields with these values (see https://github.com/brokkr/poca/wiki/ID3-frames for details) * filters: Contains one or more of following tags (all optional) * filename: Filename of the entry must match this string/regex * title: Same as above, only for the title in the rss * hour: The hour (24h-format) at which the entry was published. * weekdays: Only entries from one of these weekdays (as integers) * after_date: Only use entries published after date specified. --> <subscription> <url>https://feeds.twit.tv/floss.xml</url> <title>Floss Weekly</title> <max_number>4</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>Bad Voltage</title> <url>https://www.badvoltage.org/feed/mp3/</url> <max_number>4</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>BSD Now</title> <url>https://www.bsdnow.tv/rss</url> <max_number>4</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>bsdtalk</title> <url>http://feeds.feedburner.com/Bsdtalk</url> <max_number>3</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>Hanselminutes</title> <url>https://hanselminutes.com/subscribe</url> <max_number>5</max_number> <rename divider="-" space="-"> <title/> <date/> </rename> </subscription> <subscription> <title>No Agenda</title> <url>http://feed.nashownotes.com/rss.xml</url> <max_number>8</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>Security Now</title> <url>https://feeds.twit.tv/sn.xml</url> <max_number>4</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>The Stack Overflow Podcast</title> <url>https://feeds.simplecast.com/XA_851k3</url> <max_number>4</max_number> <rename divider="-" space="-"> <title/> <date/> </rename> </subscription> <subscription> <title>This Developer's Life</title> <url>http://feeds.feedburner.com/thisdeveloperslife</url> <max_number>3</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>Reversim</title> <url>https://feed.reversim.com/</url> <max_number>5</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>On The Metal</title> <url>https://feeds.transistor.fm/on-the-metal-0294649e-ec23-4eab-975a-9eb13fd94e06</url> <max_number>5</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>The Pornhub Podcast with Asa Akira</title> <url>https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:392064213/sounds.rss</url> <max_number>5</max_number> </subscription> <subscription> <title>CoRecursive: Coding Stories</title> <url>https://corecursive.libsyn.com/feed</url> </subscription> <subscription> <title>היסטוריה לילדים History for children</title> <url>https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/23f697a0-7e6a-4e96-a223-a82c00962b12/5d166961-3f93-4859-a8dd-a919008d592b/d7702e41-7c9d-4afe-bf80-a919008d592b/podcast.rss</url> </subscription> <subscription> <title>עושים היסטוריה עם רן לוי Osim Historia With Ran Levi</title> <url>https://www.spreaker.com/show/4227531/episodes/feed</url> </subscription> <subscription> <title>על הדרך</title> <url>https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1738407.rss</url> </subscription> </subscriptions> </poca>