# Cron docker [![pipeline status](https://git.shore.co.il/nimrod/cron-docker/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://git.shore.co.il/nimrod/cron-docker/-/commits/master) A Docker image for running a Cron daemon, actually running [Supersonic](https://github.com/aptible/supercronic). ## Usage There are possible usage patterns for this image. The first is using it in a multi-stage image build as the source of the `supersonic` binary to incorporate in your own image like so: ``` FROM registry.shore.co.il/cron as supersonic FROM alpine:latest COPY --from=supersonic /usr/local/bin/supersonic /usr/local/bin/ ``` The other pattern is building on top of this image to run some periodic tasks. The `ONBUILD` commands will copy the crontab file and validate it. Just copy whatever scripts and install whatever packages you need, like so: ``` FROM registry.shore.co.il/cron COPY script /usr/local/bin/ USER root RUN apk add --update --no-cache aws-cli USER nobody ``` ## License This software is licensed under the MIT license (see `LICENSE.txt`). ## Author Information Nimrod Adar, [contact me](mailto:nimrod@shore.co.il) or visit my [website](https://www.shore.co.il/). Patches are welcome via [`git send-email`](http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Commands-Email). The repository is located at: .