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Provision the Unbound DNS resolver. The configuration from this role is log to
syslog, DNSSEC and use the conf.d directory. To add your own configuration, add
a template at :code:`template/unbound/conf.d/*.conf`.
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See :code:`meta/main.yml`, :code:`tests/requirements.yml` and assertions at
the top of :code:`tasks/main.yml`.
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Role Variables

See :code:`defaults/main.yml`.
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See :code:`meta/main.yml`.

Example Playbook

See :code:`tests/playbook.yml`.


Testing requires Virtualbox and Vagrant and Python 2.7. Install the Python
dependencies, add pre-commit hooks by running:
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.. code:: shell

    pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
    pre-commit install
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To run the full test suite:

.. code:: shell

    ansible-galaxy install git+file://$(pwd),$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -p .molecule/roles
    molecule test --platform all
    pre-commit run --all-files
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This software is licensed under the MIT license (see the :code:`LICENSE.txt`

Author Information

Nimrod Adar, `contact me <>`_ or visit my `website
<>`_. Patches are welcome via `git send-email
<>`_. The repository is located