Ansible pre-commit hooks ######################## **This project has been discontinued and has been replaced by** `pre-commit-hooks `_ .. image:: :target: :alt: CI status Ansible `pre-commit `_ hooks. - ansible-syntax-check: The hook runs :code:`ansible --syntax-check` against playbooks declared. - ansible-vault-check: The hook verifies that files that have :code:`vault` in the filename are indeed vaulted. Requirements ------------ - Pre-commit 1.2 or later. - Python 2.7 or 3.6 or later. Installation ------------ Add the following to your :code:`.pre-commit-config.yaml`: .. code:: yaml - repo: sha: v0.10.0 hooks: - id: ansible-syntax-check files: site.yml #In case you want to specify other playbook files. - id: ansible-vault-check And in the next :code:`pre-commit` will install and run the hooks. In case your :code:`roles` directory isn't in the same directory as the playbook you're testing or at :code:`/etc/ansible/roles` you need to declare the roles search path in :code:`ansible.cfg` in the root of the repo like so: .. code:: [defaults] roles_path=path/to/roles/directory:path/to/another/roles/directory License ------- This software is licensed under the MIT license (see the :code:`LICENSE.txt` file). Author Information ------------------ Nimrod Adar, `contact me `_ or visit my `website `_. Patches are welcome via `git send-email `_. The repository is located at: